30多年来,Element帮助公司满足近200个国家的EMC商业测试标准和法规. 我们帮助您在全球范围内出口和销售您的电子电气商业产品, access new markets, and drive growth.


Why is EMC commercial testing important? 

制造商如何确定其产品是否会干扰其他电气设备,或在其预期环境中受到此类干扰的影响? 这是一个常见的问题,可能导致您的产品出现故障或无法满足用户的期望, and in some cases, 对您的产品或相邻产品构成安全风险.

以保护您的产品免受这些干扰,并防止潜在的干扰, it's crucial to conduct EMC testing. 这可确保您的产品符合法规要求,并在预期环境中无缝运行.


How is EMC commercial testing conducted?  

确保您的产品或设备符合法规要求,并在电磁干扰(EMI)和干扰下保持其性能, 测试通常在消声或半消声试验室中进行. This special room, resembling a sophisticated Faraday cage, 内衬瓷砖和吸收器,以创造一个没有电磁(EM)或射频(RF)干扰的清洁环境.

对于其余的敏感性试验,可以使用稍微不那么复杂的屏蔽室. 这些环境配备了广泛的专业和适当校准的测试设备. 他们也有监控和控制你的产品的支持设备, 以及在测试期间支持任何无线功能. 这种全面的设置使一系列的排放和抗扰度测试能够有效地进行.


Our EMC commercial testing capabilities

EMC Principles Made Easy

Whether it is a product, a system, or a printed circuit board, the basic EMC principles remain the same. Find out how you can apply these key principles.


FCC Part 15 Consumer Class A & Class B Devices 

消费者A类和B类EMC设备的指导手册符合FCC第15部分指南. 包括正确的产品类型的正确说明. READ MORE

The products we test and certify

我们的EMC实验室为各种商业产品的电气设备提供市场领先的测试和认证能力, including:

  • IT and office equipment
  • Multimedia and audio-visual equipment
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Radio communications equipment
  • Medical devices
  • 实验室、测试、测量和控制设备
  • 汽车设备(含农用设备)
  • Railway equipment
  • Marine equipment
  • Consumer electronics


Advice and guidance 

Our EMC test engineers offer advisory services 在您最需要的时候,在您产品开发的早期阶段,为您提供支持和指导.  及早识别商业产品的EMC法规要求可减少认证前的测试次数, saving you money and time. 


The Element advantage

Element's EMC testing laboratories 在美国和英国通过了NVLAP, A2LA和UKAS以及ISO 9001:2008的认证和批准. We are also a Notified Body in respect to the EMC Directive,以及英国EMC法规的认可机构.

我们最先进的电磁兼容测试设备配备了完全消声, semi anechoic and reverberation chambers as well as HIRF (High Intensity Radiated Field), 并且可以满足从小型植入式设备到重型机械和车辆的任何需求. 对于太大或难以搬迁的大型装置, we can also offer on-site testing services.

EMI/EMC测试只是Element完整安全测试解决方案的一部分, compliance, and in-country certification. Our services include but are not limited to environmental simulation, mechanical, safety、结构测试、操作测试、功能测试和性能测试. 

Whether you want to optimize your new product, achieve country-specific certification, 或者测试你的产品的电磁发射或抗扰度, 我们可以帮助您根据测试要求选择正确的方法.  

有关EMC商业测试服务的更多信息,或要求报价,请 contact us today. 

IEC and EN standards 
  • IEC/EN61000-4-x series
  • IEC/EN61000-6-x series
  • IEC/EN61000-3-2&3
  • IEC/EN61326-x series
  • IEC/EN55022/32
  • IEC/EN55011
  • IEC/EN55024/35
  • IEC/EN50121-x series
  • EN301 489-x series
  • IEC/EN60601 series
  • IEC/EN60945
CISPR standards
  • CISPR 11
  • CISPR 12
  • CISPR 14-1
  • CISPR 14-2
  • CISPR 15
  • CISPR 24/35
  • CISPR 25
  • CISPR 22/32
Other standards
  • FCC CFR47 part 15 and 18
  • ICES-003
  • GR-1089-CORE

Our Services

Radio Testing

Radio and Wireless Device Testing


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Telecommunications Equipment

Element在与许多世界领先的电信公司合作方面拥有超过50年的经验, 从其产品的初始产品设计阶段到支持他们通过电信组件的测试和批准,并帮助他们将产品推向全球市场.

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Medical Device EMC Testing

Medical Device EMC Testing

我们的医疗器械法规事务专家与电子医疗器械制造商从设计概念开始合作, 为他们的产品确定适当的测试标准.

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Multimedia Equipment EMC Testing

Element提供全套EMC和认证服务,确保您的多媒体设备符合EN 55032/35和CISPR 32/35标准, and reach markets across the globe.

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Laboratory Equipment EMC Testing

我们在北美和欧洲的EMC实验室设备齐全,可以测试标准范围内的所有产品, including International EMC standard IEC 61326.

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EN 50121 Railway EMC Testing

我们的铁路电磁兼容服务包括测试要求方面的建议, in-lab, on-site and in-situ testing, and certification to the EN 50121 series of standards.

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EMC testing for Marine equipment 640x480

Marine Equipment EMC Testing

我们的EMC和环境测试设施提供全面的测试组合,以确保无论您的船舶设备是什么,无论它位于何处, we have a test solution that matches your needs.

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Consumer Electronics Testing & Certification

Element的消费电子产品测试和认证服务可帮助您的产品满足EMC要求, Electrical Safety, and Radio national & global requirements.

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Automotive EMC Testing

Element的汽车EMC测试服务可确保您的电气元件的安全性和兼容性, systems and sub-assemblies.

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Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.