
Understanding the EMC Directive 统一的标准




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詹姆斯·丹尼尔斯 is the General Manager of im体育APP’s Connected Technologies business in the UK, currently responsible for Operations in our Hull, 科梅达, 莫尔文, Wimborne and Oxford laboratories.

几乎所有提供在欧盟使用的电气和电子产品或组件的制造商都需要这样做, under CE marking legislation, to comply with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.



The importance of following new EMC directive 统一的标准

When seeking to demonstrate compliance with the directive, im体育APP frequently sees a disconnect between the way manufacturers think this can be addressed, the reality of what must be completed to show due diligence. 

根据我们的经验, 我们估计,五分之四的制造商仍在根据以前的EMC指令的过时要求接近该过程. 了解要遵守哪个指令以及哪些协调标准将支持它,这对于获得符合性的推定是至关重要的.


How to comply with the EMC Directive

The compliance process should always begin with a full risk analysis. 在风险评估中确定的许多危害将通过适用适当的统一标准加以涵盖. 然而, as not all hazards will necessarily be covered, 统一标准本身的应用并不总是足以证明符合EMC指令或欧盟的EMC要求 Radio Equipment Directive (RED).




Staying up to date with 统一的标准

To ensure the best practice approach, the 欧洲an Commission’s guide to the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU 关于协调各成员国有关电磁兼容性的法律的报告可以成为避免任何含糊不清的有用工具, 特别是在先前指令可能不需要的额外关税方面.

The EMC Directive 2014/30/EU was published in the official journal of the 欧洲an Union. 该指令第14条建议,制造商可以选择将欧盟类型检验(附件III)程序的应用限制在基本要求的某些方面, 规定基本要求的其他方面采用内部生产控制(附件II)程序.

Read the latest updates for the EMC指令2014 30 eu 统一的标准.


What will mitigate the risk of failure?

If the manufacturer identifies a hazard that is not covered, the next step is to ask what action is necessary to mitigate the risk. 这意味着要么查看其他标准以进行适当的测试,要么设计适合该产品的全新测试. This additional testing can then be recorded in the technical documentation, also called a Technical File, which sits alongside and supports the EU Declaration of Conformity. 

It is important to remember that the Directive is non-technical so, 在EMC的情况下, the essential requirement is that equipment shall be so designed and manufactured, having regard to the state of the art, 确保:


B)在其预期使用中对电磁干扰具有一定程度的抗扰能力, allowing it to operate without unacceptable degradation of its intended use.


Combine 统一的标准 with risk assessment

Harmonized standards are a convenient way to support risk reduction, 但有可能符合协调标准,但仍不符合指令的基本要求.

A large amount of flexibility and autonomy is given to the manufacturer, including the ability to use their own tests to demonstrate compliance, 这就意味着 EMC风险评估 是至关重要的.

Manufacturers need to fully review and understand the product’s intended operating environment, 考虑最终用户的性能要求和电磁环境,以确定适当的测试和限制.


“Standards can often incorporate compromises, 统一标准的应用可能不考虑气候影响或产品在整个使用寿命期间的退化. Gaps can also exist when applying standards regarding the frequency ranges they cover. 出于这些原因, an EMC风险评估 is invaluable in supporting your approach to EMC testing and assessment, your conformity declaration.”



Consider the potential use and misuse of the product

When evaluating the intended EMC environment, it 是至关重要的 to consider the potential use and the potential misuse of the product. 例如, 统一的标准 usually assume an electromagnetic environment, 比如家庭, 工业, 或医学. 

例如,可以假设笔记本电脑将在家庭或办公室环境中使用. 然而, if the end-user decides to use it somewhere else (for example, 在火车上)或以不同于预期的方式(例如在工厂设置中的诊断工具),则EMC环境将非常不同,应考虑补充或增加测试级别.

  • What might the product interfere with? 
  • What might interfere with the product? 

回答这些问题的测试通常在设计和制造过程的其他阶段进行. 仍然, 制造商了解如何应用和使用这些测试以符合指令是至关重要的, seeking expert help if necessary.


Additional EU product directives

还必须考虑可能需要哪些其他非emc测试和欧洲标准. Remember, the Directive is about functionality. It does not assess 安全, including electromagnetic 安全. 这是由其他覆盖的 CE标志 指令,例如 低电压指令 (LVD), Machinery Safety, 医疗器械指令.

将无线功能添加到产品中将进一步增加测试过程的维度, as the product is now officially considered ‘radio equipment’ and must be treated accordingly. 需要证明符合无线电设备指令(RED),而不是EMC指令2014/30/EU, with radio standards taking precedence and making testing more complex.


Benefit from early consideration of EMC directive 统一的标准

The most cost-effective approach to EMI EMC testing and certification 是否总是在开发周期中尽早考虑EMC指令2014/30/EU的测试.

另外, 将测试组合到一个程序中也可以为制造商提供显著的好处, reducing time and cost and enabling the product to reach the market more rapidly.


Our experts are here to help

im体育APP可以帮助设计一个测试套件,以包含指令或其他im体育平台app下载指定的测试的组合. In addition to legislative testing, manufacturers frequently need to comply with additional contractual EMC testing by the 汽车, 国防, 航空航天 im体育平台app下载. Our EMC technical experts a wide range of industry-specific specifications.

If you would like to learn more about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing requirements, 请 im体育APP的专家 今天.

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了解im体育APP如何为RTCA/DO-160提供电磁兼容性测试(EMC)解决方案, MIL-STD-461 and Def-Stan 59-411 standards.



im体育APP, we test thousands of products every year, 具有商业和工业电子设备的电磁(EMC)测试的最大容量之一.

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