im体育APP can help you with all your wireless testing, certification, and advisory needs. With our services, you can quickly launch superior wireless technologies in the global market.



im体育APP’s advanced wireless testing encompasses compatibility, 功能, 互操作性, 表演, 竞争分析. 

As a leading authority in testing and certification, im体育APP is one of the few labs to offer Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)测试 services to manufacturers of 802.11(a/n) devices and other wireless technologies that operate in the 5GHz range. 

Our testing capabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Performance testing - evaluates radio 表演 (which can include spurious emissions, 权力, 带宽, 稳定, 自适应性, 接收机阻塞, and more) compared to regulatory authority requirements according to industry standards.

  • Dynamic frequency selection (DFS)测试 - evaluates the ability of a device operating in the 5250-5350 MHz and/or 5470-5725MHz band to detect local military, 紧急服务, or radar signals and move to an off-channel frequency to mitigate interference.

  • 比吸收率(特别行政区)测定 - measures the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to a radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field. 特别行政区 testing is typically required when an intentional transmitter is intended to transmit within 20 cm of the end user.

  • Maximum permissible exposure (MPE) calculation - an alternative to 特别行政区 testing for products not used within 20 cm of the end user.

  • EMI / EMC测试 - ensures your product won’t be subject to any negative interactions in the electromagnetic environment it will be operating in.

  • 环境/dynamic testing - simulates any condition that your product might encounter in the real world, measuring a device’s ability to withstand temperature, 湿度, 振动, 冲击, 还有其他因素.


无线网络 测试 - 认证s and International Approvals

im体育APP can perform testing for all major carriers and can issue all major US, UK, and Canadian certifications for wireless technologies, as well as support market access to over 180 countries. 我们的资质包括:

  • FCC Telecommunication Certified Body (TCB) - With several FCC certified TBA labs, im体育APP can issue US and Canadian certifications for licensed and unlicensed radio products.

  • Notified Body - im体育APP can issue formal Type Examination Certificates for CE marking of radio communications devices per the RE Directive.

  • International Approvals - im体育APP makes it easy to get your product into new global markets. With a dedicated international approvals manager working on your behalf, 你可以变得更快, cost-effective entry into 180 different countries.



With the industry’s leading experts and cutting-edge laboratory facilities, im体育APP can test the most advanced and most in-demand wireless technologies, 包括:

  • 无线射频识别 (RFID)

  • 无线个域网

  • 蓝牙(5.2)

  • 跳频扩频(FHSS)

  • 专用流动无线电(PMR)

  • 无线局域网(WLAN - 802).a、b、g、n、ac、ad、ax)

  • 调频发射机

  • 超宽带(UWB)

  • MedRadio

  • 远程广域网(LoRaWAN)

  • z - wave



作为全球的领导者 物联网(物联网)测试, im体育APP provides a full range of wireless network testing services covering dynamic frequency selection (DFS), 射频/ RMM, 在线旅行社, 特别行政区, HAC for smartphones as well as relevant customer premises equipment for the necessary end markets. 

im体育APP is recognized by industry bodies such as CTIA/PTCRB and GCF and the network operators on which these devices will be used.

Continuous investments in cutting-edge technology enable im体育APP to test for multiple carrier aggregation, 米姆, beamforming/steering to the latest 3GPP specifications.

For more information about our wireless device and mobile network services, 或者找专家谈谈, im体育APP 今天.


在本文中, Steve Hayes discusses the key requirements when looking at the impact of electromagnetic interferences on medical devices. He explains some issues manufacturers should consider for risk assessment, 电气安全, EMC, 无线电测试.



是否是一种产品, 一个系统, 或者印刷电路板, 基本的EMC原则保持不变. Find out how you can apply these key principles.



技术 trends continue to drive the rapid growth of wireless devices, 尤其是在医疗im体育平台app下载. These trends have created new challenges for product developers, especially when it comes to the safe operation of their products in increasingly crowded spaces.



Discover the full range of wireless network testing and certification services from im体育APP



Find out how im体育APP’s high-capacity 5G test and certification services help you expedite your product’s journey to market.



Find out how im体育APP tests and certifies wireless devices to ensure they achieve effective radiated spatial 表演 for all relevant standards.



im体育APP offers ISO 17025 testing services to 欧洲an ETSI standards, FCC规则, ISED RSS标准和日本无线电法.



Find out how im体育APP tests wireless devices for compliance with radio frequency safety limits in the USA, 加拿大, 和欧洲.


消费电子产品测试 & 认证

im体育APP’s consumer electronics testing and certification services help your products meet EMC, 电气安全, 和国家广播电台 & 全球需求.



We work with everyone from Chipset Vendors to those integrating radio modules to enable you to deliver your wireless radio products to market.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.