Highly Accelerated Life 测试 (停止 testing) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS testing) provide efficient and reliable methods for combining multiple test types into a single, 综合检测方案.


im体育APP’s 停止 testing and HASS testing capabilities combine 高温随机振动 to evaluate the performance and durability of a design and product reliability. 停止 testing is frequently used in R&D and product design validation to anticipate issues before they arise, and avoid costly mistakes that might occur in full-scale testing, 或者在现场.

停止 testing provides essential information about the performance of finished components, 系统, 和子组件. im体育APP's engineers simulate real-world environmental testing and climatic test conditions to uncover hidden defects before sending the product to market, which prevents the product development life-cycle costs. By monitoring system performance throughout the testing process, im体育APP can provide crucial details about the structural vulnerability, 热的反应, 使用寿命, 和更多的. 


im体育APP's 停止 and HASS testing capabilities 

Our 停止 testing chambers are capable of combining high rate thermal cycling 与 triaxial vibration at six degrees of freedom (6 DoF). 系统 performance parameters include:

    • 停止/HASS Temperature Range: -100° to 200° C
    • 停止/HASS Temperature Change Rate: 30 - 60° per minute
    • 停止/HASS Temperature Stability: ±1° C after stabilization
    • 停止/HASS Vibration Type: Repetitive shock, tri-axial noncoherent. 产品 experiences 6 degrees of freedom broadband 随机振动.
    • 停止/HASS Working Area Ranges: 30-48” x 40-48” x 36-48” high
    • 停止/HASS Maximum Vibration Power: 60 grms
    • 停止/HASS Frequency Ranges: 5 to 5,000 Hz and 5 to 20,000 H 


Streamline testing 与 im体育APP as your single-source testing supplier. Our 停止 and HASS testing capabilities are designed to support a variety of high-quality test programs, while controlling cost and reducing time-to-market.

Our engineers work 与 you to design and execute a testing protocol that provides accurate and reliable results, while helping you stay on budget and meet your contractual requirements.

 +, With over a decade of experience in ITAR/EAR jobs, im体育APP North America and its subsidiaries is a trusted supplier to US government prime contractors. im体育APP Materials 技术 North America is duly registered and able to handle CUI, ITAR, EAR和其他类似业务. im体育APP Materials is fully committed to comply 与 all applicable FAR and DFARs regulations.

For more information about our 停止 testing and HASS testing programs, or to speak to an expert, 立即im体育APP.


Because it relies on accelerated conditions, we can perform 停止 testing quickly to detect product weaknesses, 只使用很少的样本. Most 停止 programs use a combination of thermal and broadband multi-axis 随机振动, although other conditions (such as humidity and voltage) can be applied.

Currently, there is no industry standard for 停止 testing. 然而, the following stress levels are usually applied to one or more functionally monitored test specimens until failure:


    •  Progressive reduction in temperature to determine the lower operational limit and then the lower destruct limit
    • Progressive increase in temperature to determine the upper operational limit and then the upper destruct limit


    • Progressively intense thermal cycling at high, linear rates of temperature change


    • Broadband 随机振动 at increasing intensity levels


    • A combination of thermal and 随机振动 stresses


Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. 今天就和专家交流.

making certain for nearly 190 years


Climatics and 环境 测试

Climatics and 环境 模拟

im体育APP can provide you 与 critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental conditions.

Climatic and 环境 模拟 测试


从环境 & dynamic testing to highly specialized tests such as bird strike and hydrodynamic ditching testing, we're the trusted testing partner to the world's most recognized component and system manufacturers.



Find out how im体育APP's vibration testing services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely and as expected when in the field.



im体育APP's product qualification testing labs span the US, 英国和德国, providing testing services to clients in 航空航天, 运输, 石油和天然气等等.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.