im体育APP运行经ista批准, full-service package and 容器的测试 labs dedicated to evaluating the performance of your 包装—wherever and however it needs to go.



Our package test lab experts simulate the conditions your package will encounter in shipping and freight environments. We provide the following package testing and package integrity testing services:

    • 包装测试符合ASTM D4169, "Standard Practice for Performance 测试 of Shipping 容器s and 系统s"
    • 包装试验符合ASTM D6551/D6551M, "Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus"
    • 包装测试符合ASTM C165, "Standard Test Method for Measuring Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulations"
    • Package testing to 美联储- std - 101 c, Test Procedures for 包装 Materials
    • ISTA测试, 项目1至项目3, 49联邦法规法典, 运输部, 还有军事标准
    • 包装振动和冲击试验
    • 包装跌落试验和倾斜冲击试验
    • Conformance to the International Safe Transit Association or ISTA package testing, Class 1000
    • 封装测试夹具的设计和现场制作
    • Walk-in size environmental chambers available for preconditioning of test items
    • 材料测试 to other package testing standards and quality programs
    • 产品包装测试为您的im体育平台app下载
    • 以全方位的能力服务各行各业

im体育APP package testing labs support a wide range of industries and standards; our services include: medical package testing, 食品包装检验, 容器的测试, 产品包装测试, 航运仿真, 包装检验, 气候与环境模拟.

一个包裹可以承受各种各样的物理条件. 我们可以模拟和评估您的包裹对电击的反应, 振动, 以及冲击振动测试, 压缩测试, 气候条件如:高温/低温试验, 湿度, 高度, 还有更多.


Using specialized testing equipment and highly trained technical staff, we subject packages like yours to a wide variety of tests that replicate shipping conditions in national and international settings. We frequently develop custom testing programs for specialized packages; our customized 航运仿真s can anticipate nearly any hazard a package may encounter while passing through a specialized distribution system.

Let im体育APP help you reach the goal of every successful business: your product properly and efficiently packaged, 并且到达时没有损坏,顾客满意. 我们可以做到.

Our package test lab experts simulate the conditions your package will encounter in shipping and freight environments. We provide the following package testing and package integrity testing services:

  • 包装测试符合ASTM D4169, "Standard Practice for Performance 测试 of Shipping 容器s and 系统s"
  • 包装试验符合ASTM D6551/D6551M, "Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus"
  • 包装测试符合ASTM C165, "Standard Test Method for Measuring Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulations"
  • Package testing to 美联储- std - 101 c, Test Procedures for 包装 Materials
  • ISTA测试, 项目1至项目3, 49联邦法规法典, 运输部, 还有军事标准
  • 包装振动和冲击试验
  • 包装跌落试验和倾斜冲击试验
  • Conformance to the International Safe Transit Association or ISTA package testing, Class 1000
  • 封装测试夹具的设计和现场制作
  • Walk-in size environmental chambers available for preconditioning of test items
  • 材料测试 to other package testing standards and quality programs
  • 产品包装测试为您的im体育平台app下载
容器和包装测试ISTA 640 x 480 2018年4月


Our services are designed to meet the rigorous requirements of the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA). im体育APP's state-of-the-art ISTA测试 labs are equipped with high-frequency 振动 and shock equipment, 用于大型部件的步入式室, 为独特和具有挑战性的项目提供可定制的夹具.



塑料容器需要USP类塑料认证. im体育APP plastic 容器的测试 can ensure your containers meet those standards. 



运输过程并不完美,有时会发生错误. Durability testing 包装检验 put a package through a series of tests simulating mistakes that may occur during the shipping process, 比如扔下包裹. 



im体育APP can put your package through its paces by exposing it to the dynamic environmental and dynamic stresses encountered while in transit to its intended destination. 从极端温度, 随机振动测试, we will ensure the integrity of your 包装 and provide peace of mind, 一次一个测试. 



Medical Package integrity testing is used to detect 包装 problems that could potentially affect the sterility of a medical device. 


Our experts perform visual 检查 of 包装 to ensure that seals, 袋和其他屏障材料完好无损, 确保安全无菌. We carefully examine 包装 to ensure that there are no visible tears, 穿刺, 划痕或其他缺陷迹象.


Used to evaluate the integrity of vacuum seals in 包装 with bubbles or headspace, vacuum leak testing uses increasing water pressure to ensure that no leaks occur in 包装. 我们的专家会潜入水中, 增压, 给样品减压, 然后对任何缺陷的迹象进行目视检查.


Bubble leak testing is used to find large leaks and other defects in seals and barriers that affect the integrity of 包装. We submerge samples in water and apply pressure to determine the integrity of the 包装. If any bubbles are released, it is a sign that there is a defect in the 包装. 


Dye leak testing is a method used to determine whether seals in medical device 包装 are intact. Our experts use one of several methods to expose the 包装 to a colored dye, 然后评估结果. 如果有任何染料穿透了样品上的密封, 包装被认为是有缺陷和未消毒的.



在运输过程中, your packages travels through many different climates and suffers many unfamiliar environments. Climatic and environmental simulation testing ensures that your package is prepared for this journey, 并且会毫发无损地到达彼岸. 

Our package test lab experts simulate the conditions your package will encounter in shipping and freight environments. We provide the following package testing and package integrity testing services:

  • 包装振动和冲击试验
  • 包装跌落试验和倾斜冲击试验
  • 加速风化和老化
  • 封装测试夹具的设计和现场制作
  • Walk-in size environmental chambers available for preconditioning of test items
  • 材料测试 to other package testing standards and quality programs
  • 产品包装测试为您的im体育平台app下载


Using specialized testing equipment and highly trained technical staff, we subject packages to a wide variety of tests that replicate shipping conditions in national and international settings. These tests will highlight any 包装 issues that may ultimately cause damage to the product, 从长远来看,节省时间和金钱. 作为一个独立的测试实验室, we also help develop custom testing programs for specialized packages; our customized 航运仿真s can anticipate nearly any hazard a package may encounter while passing through a specialized distribution system. 


3-A卫生乳制品检测(编号. 18 & 20)


Astm d3228, Astm d4169, Astm d6551 / d6551m


美联储- std - 101 c


ISTA 1, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H, ISTA 2, 2B, 2C, 2D, ISTA 3, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, 3G, ISTA 7 d, 6-联邦快递- a和B, 6-SAMSCLUB, 6-AMAZON.COM

Let im体育APP help you reach the goal of every successful business: your product properly and efficiently packaged, 并且到达时没有损坏,顾客满意. 我们可以做到.


我们的交付是确定性-高质量的数据, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. 今天就和专家交流.

我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.
