

im体育APP delivers an extensive range of testing 和 validation services required by defense manufacturers during qualification to help meet the rigorous dem和s of military st和ards. 这些包括 Def标准59-411和Mil标准461,以及更具体的航空航天标准,如 RTCA做- 160 用于间接和直接雷击试验. 

国防 products 和 components must undergo the most stringent testing available to ensure that they can be relied upon in even the harshest of environments. im体育APPEMC 和 环境 chambers enable almost any setting to be replicated to subject equipment to extreme conditions including heat, 冷, 灰尘, 还有电干扰.

为了确保测试尽可能顺利地运行,im体育APP防务专家 have put together a summary of key points manufacturers should consider when preparing to test products or components for the defense market:


1. 是否考虑到穿透面板的限制? 

Providing the grounding/shielding 和 filtering between the EMC test environment 和 the outside world, 在准备测试时,渗透板是一个至关重要的考虑因素. 

这应该包括, 例如, the position 和 the measurements of the penetration panel to ensure all the necessary cabling 和 wiring will fit through it easily. This will prevent any delays regarding the linking of the test product to the external support equipment. If any cables are an unusual size, it may be worth considering bringing your own penetration panel.

一个常见的错误是带塑料连接器, 因为它们是不接地的, 不能用来连接插接板上的金属接头. 

im体育APP can provide measurements in advance for all of its testing chambers 和 the penetration panels, 包括它们精确可用区域的图表,因为它们并不完全相同. 例如, 电磁兼容室穿深板为400mm × 400mm × 2mm铝材, 而混响室穿透面板是315mm x 315mm x 2mm铝. 

可用的图表包含所有EMC腔室尺寸, 包括穿透面板和工作台尺寸的选择.


2. 需要什么辅助设备? 

When planning to test, it is essential to consider what support equipment will be required. 这可能是操作EUT所需的任何东西, 安装EUT, or provide the ability to function the equipment under test (EUT) remotely if necessary. 

负载、电源和信号都是关键的考虑因素. 如果测试对象需要负载进行测试, it is important to ensure the dummy loads are suitably set up for the system 和 are prepared 和 ready for when the testing date is confirmed. 

最后, one of the critical pieces of equipment that we frequently see causing delays when preparing to test is the cabling 和 connectors. It is vital to plan what cabling will be required 和 ensure the cables are the appropriate lengths. It is not uncommon for the cables to be too short to run along the front of the test bench 和 reach a breakout panel without stressing any of the cables themselves or the connectors. 一般来说,太长总是比太短好.


3. 你考虑过合适的电源和连接吗?

The power supply 和 power connections can both be evaluated before test day to avoid any power-related issues or delays.

关于电源连接, 只要电源引线与EUT的长度是正确的, then a 6mm ring terminal will be the safest option to connect to the filters/ LISNs in the testing chamber. 如果没有,应留下裸露的电线修剪到正确的长度. 电源线长度在测试规范中定义.

元件可以提供多种电源解决方案,包括, 例如, 高达28 VDC, 115v 400hz交流电源和市电电源.

用于电源, 重要的是要通知im体育APP关于当前的EUT绘制, 包括侵入, 确保正确的电源准备和可用.

除了, 如果产品需要特殊的粘接带, 把它带到测试实验室是至关重要的, 如果需要的话,可以在当天提供替代方案.

对于某些测试,im体育APP将需要监控EUT旁边的单个电源线. 如果是这样的话, advance notice of whether the power cable is screened/armored should be given.


4. 停留时间是否明确确定?

停顿时间, 在每个频率上测量辐射或检查易感性所花费的时间, 当测试即将开始时,是否经常造成延迟. 

每个规格的停留时间差别很大, 了解这可能带来的影响是至关重要的. This means considering how long your equipment takes to do one complete cycle of functions to enable all potential emissions to be captured or how long it will take to check the whole operating cycle for susceptibility at each frequency. 

当测试很多频率时, 重要的是要意识到,每个频率的停留时间越长, 整体测试时间越长. Failure to take the different frequencies into account can lead to testing overrunning 和, 在实际层面上, 可能意味着房间预定的时间还不够长, 哪些因素会延迟测试的完成. 


5. 测试将如何监控? 

Deciding how the test is going to be monitored is often left until the last minute 和 can cause unexpected delays in testing commencing. 因此, it is essential to underst和 what monitoring equipment will be required 和 if the equipment will enable the EUT to be checked for correct operation remotely. 

如果要用摄像机的话, planning their positioning 和 exact angling to ensure suitable viewing should have already been carried out. 

如果要用笔记本电脑软件监控电子设备, it will be necessary to check in advance that all the appropriate displays or devices required to ensure the monitoring is comprehensive 和 runs smoothly are ready 和 available. 

在对EUT进行监测时, some tests can be exceptionally long 和 might need to be repeated many times with slightly different parameters. 如果是这样的话, it is worth considering if the EUT can be monitored with software that automatically latches when a failure is detected.



虽然先进的计划可以对测试程序的顺利运行产生巨大的影响, 现实情况是,许多产品在第一次测试时就会失败. Building in contingency time to your project timescales is therefore strongly recommended. 测试的目标应该是第一次就通过, 我们可以从失败的测试周期中学到很多东西, 关键是要确保所需的任何额外时间保持在最低限度.  

Thinking about product compliance 和 qualification from day one 和 involving testing experts on projects to give support, 建议, 和 technical expertise can reduce the chances of failure 和 speed up the testing process.

To learn more about testing of products to the required military 和 aerospace st和ards, 请通过电子邮件联系im体育APP的专家军事和航空航天团队 或请求




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im体育APP has over 50 years experience in working with a wide range of 国防 产品 和 系统 manufacturers from the initial concept of their products 和 on to the complex testing that is required of modern defense equipment.



Our defense EMC testing 和 qualification services are designed to provide st和ard defense validation as well as help companies perform Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) testing in a short time period.


MIL-STD 810测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US 和 UK evaluate components 和 systems to defense st和ards including MIL-STD 810 和 others.



im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme 环境 stresses 和 conditions. 


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.