im体育APP laboratories use expert plant tissue analysis to actively monitor nutrient levels in specific crops 和 identify nutrient deficiencies 和 heavy metal content in commercial crops, helping growers augment or remediate l和 to maximize yield 和 support the health of their soil.

If plants are not growing or producing as expected, analysis of the plant tissue can give important insight into the cause 和 clarify the path toward a solution. Plant tissue testing primarily determines whether a plant is nutrient deficient 和, 如果是这样的话, what nutrients are lacking, as well as whether a plant has elevated concentrations of heavy metals.

im体育APP’s plant tissue testing laboratories support farmers 和 agricultural operations through both testing 和 consulting services 和 can provide a suite of related services such as 水测试 和 土壤测试 to help optimize growth 和 l和产量s.


Plant tissue analysis for nutrient deficiency

Nutrient deficiencies in plants can inhibit growth 和 significantly reduce your overall crop production. A simple nutrient analysis can help you effectively supplement deficiencies for better plant health. im体育APP uses state-of-the-art equipment 和 our library of expected nutrient concentrations to detect 和 characterize nutrient deficiencies.


测试 for heavy metals in plant tissue

Although certain heavy metals in low concentrations are essential for plant growth, high concentrations can be toxic 和 can reduce growth, 表演, 和产量. Very high concentrations even lead to plant death. Plants with high heavy metal concentrations can also be harmful to people, as excessive consumption of certain heavy metals can negatively affect human health.

ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) analysis for heavy metals can quickly 和 accurately identify elevated concentrations, helping with remediation efforts. Continuous analysis of heavy metals can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of bioremediation efforts.


The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP’s plant tissue analysis methods are based on US EPA methodologies 和 the BC Ministry of the 环境 Lab Manual. Combining plant tissue analysis with our 土壤测试 和 水测试 services will provide a complete picture of the nutrient profile of your l和 和 insights on environmental health. 

For more information about nutrient deficiency 和 heavy metals in plant tissue, contact us today.

Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.